
Site officiel: www.exoatlet.com

Historique - Geschichtlicher Überblick
2011 Scientists from the mechanics research institute of Moscow State University win a tender launched by the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the creation of an exoskeleton for emergency rescue operations: to put out fires, sift through rubble and move heavy loads. For the next two years, a team of robotics experts working under supervisor Elena Pismennaya work on developing passive and active exoskeletons. The first did not have a power source, was not afraid of fire and with a weight of 12 kilograms, made it possible to move loads weighing up to 100 kilograms. The second helped an able-bodied person to lift weights of up to 200 kilograms.

The science and engineering team is joined by managers

The science and engineering team is joined by managers: in order to turn the hi-tech project into a real product, the team of Elena Pismennaya decides to adjust its task for the future and make a medical exoskeleton. The project is joined by Mikhail Krundyshev, who for a long time headed the Russian representative office of BBK Electronics, and Ekaterina Bereziy, who previously headed the sales and marketing department of a major car retailer. The company ExoAtlet is born, and starts work on the development of a medical exoskeleton.

“We believed in them, and they for some reason believed in us,” recalls Ekaterina Bereziy, the company’s CEO and co-founder. “We decided that we would not give up and would make sure that real people would walk using our exoskeleton.”

The ExoAtlet project discovers the outside world

It wins the main prize at the Startup Village conference, becomes a resident of the Skolkovo Foundation, finishes in the top five of the Generation S competition and performs in the world robotics olympiad in Sochi.

The creation of a second working prototype

The Albert ExoAtlet was named in honour of Albert Yefimov, head of the Skolkovo Foundation’s Robocentre, who was one of the first to believe in the future of ExoAtlet, describing it as “a breakthrough project if ever there was one, one which will drastically change the lives of many, many people.”

“We believe that the ExoAtlet team is the lever that will change the world. And Skolkovo is its pivot,” he said.


ExoAtlet goes abroad for the first time

The first foreign country where the Russian company’s project is presented is Singapore, where the ExoAtlet team has negotiations with the country’s chief rehabilitation specialist.


The first trip to the Middle East

With the support of Russian Venture Company (RVC), the ExoAtlet team takes part in the STEP conference in Dubai - the biggest event devoted to technology and design in the Middle East.

A new victory

First place in the KazanBootCamp competition for hi-tech companies that was held as part of the 10th Kazan venture fair.


The start of research on the European market

The ExoAtlet team first visits the Old World as a participant in France’s Innorobo conference dedicated to robotics. 

The start of clinical trials

They take place at the rehabilitation department of the Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Centre.

The first sale

A year before the official start of sales, the development corporation of the Arkhangelsk region purchases an exoskeleton to carry out research at medical facilities in the region. In March 2016, six people from Arkhangelsk, Severodvinsk and the Verkhnetoemsky region are selected to take part.


A visit to a global medical forum

The ExoAtlet team presents the first prototype of its exoskeleton at Medica, the biggest medical exhibition in Europe that takes place every year in Germany. The company establishes contact with European medical technology specialists and distributors.

Meeting European investors

ExoAtlet goes to Finland to attend Slush, the biggest investment forum in Europe, as part of a delegation from Skolkovo.


ExoAtlet crosses the Atlantic

In Los Angeles, the company takes part in the three-day CSM physiotherapy conference attended by tens of thousands of physiotherapists from around the country. In New York, the company meets with a potential investor, and in Washington, it holds negotiations with Medstar, one of the biggest private clinics in the U.S

The first step towards entering the Asian market

The first step towards entering the Asian market: ExoAtlet’s debut demonstration in South Korea takes place within Kimes, an international medical exhibition that the company takes part in together with its Korean partner.

The company obtains official registration

The equivalent of the sound of the starting pistol signalling the beginning of a long-distance race. Ahead lie sales across Russia and a new phase of clinical research that will make it possible to change the medical standards of patient rehabilitation.

Start of sales

2019 Fondation - Gründung:

ExoAtlet Global S.A.

70, route d'Esch
L-1470 Luxembourg

ExoAtlet® I is a medical exoskeleton designed for the rehabilitation of patients with locomotive impairments to their lower limbs sustained as the result of an accident, an operation or illness of the locomotive system or nervous system. Its main applications are for the restoration of impaired locomotive functions and the compensation of lost functions.


etwa 140 Exosklette wurden bisher verkauft

Preis für Krankenhäuser: etwa 65.000 €

(LW: 29.1.2020)


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