Uzinele de Fier Hunedoara

Hunedoara - Furnalele Uzinelor de fier (Carte postale: Collection:

Historique - Geschichtlicher Überblick


Uzinele de Fier Hunedoara

1991 Siderurgica Hunedoara
2003 Mittal Steel Hunedoara

ArcelorMittal Hunedoara


ArcelorMittal Hunedoara has resumed production following a stoppage for the month of April due to Covid-19-related disruptions

The plant has been producing intermittently since it temporarily stopped production last December due to a significant increase in electricity and gas prices

Electric arc furnace-based Hunedoara, part of the ArcelorMittal Europe - Long Products division, produces sections, billets and merchant bars, employing 640 people and 200 contractors. The firm produced 200.000 t of crude steel in 2019, down from 300.000 t in 2018.


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