The art nouveau tomb of the Escalle family was erected in 1903 (at cemetery Sainte-Barbe in Longlaville) on the occasion of the death of Pierre Escalle by Favreau F., sculptor
I am a student at Yale University doing some research on 19th-century French sculpture. I came across this website depicting the tomb of the Escalle family in Longlaville, erected in 1875 at page:
. Would you know who the designer of the tomb is? It would be of great help to me. Thank you -
Je suis étudiant à l'Université de Yale et je fais des recherches sur la sculpture française du XIXe siècle. J'ai visité la page
sur ce site Web représentant la tombe de la famille Escalle, érigée en 1875, à Longlaville . Savez-vous qui est le concepteur de la tombe? Cela me serait très utile. Je vous remercie -