Daiwel - Usines Steinfort

6 years 9 months ago #322 by jmo
Replied by jmo on topic Daiwel - Usines Steinfort
Laut dem Här Drouet ass dëst een Äschenteller den zu Stengefort gegoss gouf.
Et ginn nach aner Modelen. Zu Stengefort goufen awer och Kolonneniewen, Gelänneren, etc. gegoss

All weider Foto oder Info vun esou Stecker ass hei wëllkomm!

Villmools Merci am Viraus! - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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6 years 10 months ago - 6 years 9 months ago #319 by admin
Daiwel - Usines Steinfort was created by admin

(Foto: G. Muller)
Zu wéi enger Geleeënheet gouf dëse gossenen Däiwel - Usines Steinfort gemaach?
Wou gouf en gegoss? Wéini?

Villmools merci am Viraus fir all Informatioun - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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